
Biti žejen pomeni biti živ in radoveden. Voda je vir življenja. Kot naravni element oblikuje morske in zemeljske pokrajine. Je nujna v gastronomiji. Uporaba vode je v  petih različnih državah članic projekta drugačna, ponekod jo primanjkuje, drugod jo je v izobilju. Cilj partnerstva petih šol Erasmus + KA2 je preučevanje in uporaba vodni virov, povezanih z gastronomijo in turizmom.

Trajanje projekta 1.9.2018 – 31.8.2020

Are You Thirsty? Being thirsty is being alive. It also is being curious. Water is a source of life. As a natural element, it shapes marine and terrestrial landscapes. It is essential in gastronomy. In different 5 countries in Europe, its use different, as what is at stake considering its exploitation, its abundance or scarcity. The objective of the partnership of 5 Erasmus+ KA2 schools is to study and use this element, water, and the resources associated to it in order to strengthen vocational skills linked to gastronomy and tourism.